Georgia Hartley L. Ac.


If you're looking for an excellent holistic medical experience in the beautiful Lake Travis area of Austin TX then look no further. 

It makes me very happy to see the looks of surprise, joy and relief when clients notice that symptoms they've had for quite some time start to resolve.  Many of my clients have spent years dealing with debilitating symptoms.  Some have even been told that there is nothing wrong with them despite their feelings of malaise, pain, discomfort, digestive distress, insomnia and a whole laundry list of complaints.  One client went to 32 different doctors and specialists before coming to me as a last resort.  Most clients find significant relief within the first few treatments while other issues require long term maintenance.  And best of all I gain many friends as I work with each individual towards their specific wellness goals.

As a NCCAOM-certified professional, I can help you transform your vitality and your life for the better. Through a combination of acupuncture, herbs, nutritional supplements, bodywork directed by a deeply scientific mind, I can help you look and feel your best.  I treat everything from simple stress, smoking cessation, or weight loss to serious medical conditions.  I also treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I treat many issues and love tackling those tough problems that many other medical professionals scratch their heads at.  Many patients with hidden autoimmune or inflammatory conditions have gone to an average of 20 or more doctors and suffured for many years with wrong diagnoses before coming to me.  

If you've heard the buzzword "functional medicine doctor" that many practitioners are claiming, acupuncture was the original functional medicine, looking at the whole body: physical, mental, and emotional to get an overal view of the issues affecting your health.  Then using a highly effective and precise diagnostic approach to how your specific symptoms are manifesting I can pinpoint underlying imbalances that are affecting your health.  I can and do also use modern medical diagnostic tests such as MTHFR, DNA and ALCAT to help you target your unique functional issues creating havoc to your welbeing. 

And there's more! I have more than 30 years of nutritional experience and believe that food is the foundation of health.  It may surprise you to know that many medical conditions can be controled or eliminated effectively with simple dietary changes.  I am living proof of that an keep my own throid and rheumatoid issues undercontrol with a combination of nutrition and supplements.  I am current on the latest cutting edge research on ketogenic diets, paleo, autoimmune, spectrum disorders (ADD/ADHD, Austism, OCD Bipolar),vegan, high protein- low carb, high cholesterol, insulin- ghrelin -leptin and their affect on diabetes weight issues, adrenal fatigue, detoxes, and more.

I am a Tuina practitioner, which is a combination of orthopedic medicine, physical therapy, postural realignment, and exercise to treat musculo-skeletal problems. Futhermore I was a military fitness trainer with my undergrad training in fitness training, so I know a thing or two about exercises to address muscular imbalances causing pain.  Think frozen shoulder, low back, hip and knee pain. 

I am a huge fan of herbal medications.  Did you realize that TX licensed acupuncturists are one of the few licensed herbalists in the country?  They require NCCAOM certification in Traditional Oriental Medicine which includes extensive training and testing in herbal medicine, herbal formulations, and cross interactions with phamaceuticals to ensure the safest treatment expereince.   But even if you are hesitant to try herbs, I am also very well versed in vitamins and nutritional supplements and can easily recommend the right products to help you on your journey to balanced health.

My office is in a lovely private garden setting in the lakeside community of Hudson Bend to help you breath in  peace, tranquility and healing.

Session are currently by appointment only so click on "Contact Me" and schedule your treatment today.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.


You can learn more about my services at,LAC_Austin_Texas_546620

You can also find me on Yelp:  Georgia Hartley LAC

YOU can read my blog at Dragon Integrative Medicine